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COVID-19 risk reduction by early treatment: 5X Vitamin D – Oct 8, 2021

Latest is at: https://c19early.com/#fpearly

Early treatment: subset of table: cost <$20 with >3 trials

Random effects meta-analysis of early treatment studies (pooled effects). Treatments with ≤3 studies or <25 control events are shown in grey. Pooled results across all outcomes are affected by the distribution of outcomes tested, please see detail pages for specific outcome analysis.
Suspect this is for early hospital treatment.
Vitamin D reduces COVID-19 even more when taken at first sign of symptoms
Suspect this includes both over-the-counter Vitamin D and Calcidiol (Calcifediol)
Curcumin, Quercetin, Zinc (as well as 7 others) activate the Vitamin D Receptor.
VDR activation increases the amount of vitamin D in the blood that gets to the cells
The founder has recommended VDR activators and 200,000 IU of vitamin D (nanoemulsion) for the past 12 months.
Everytime the symptoms disappeared in 1 day
VitaminDWiki in May 2020 devised water containing Vitamin D, Resveratrol, Zinc, etc for both prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
A modified version may have reduced the risk of dying of COVID-19 by 30X


Zinc (which increases vitamin D in tissues) may both prevent and treat COVID-19

Quercetin and Vitamin D - Allies Against COVID-19

Ivermectin and COVID-19 - many studies includes the following comparision

 IvermectinVitamin D
Dosing for Preventionweeklyweekly
Availability for humansPrescription
And over-the-counter
FormOralOral, topical, etc
COVID-19 phase
Prevent, treat, long-haul
All phasesPrevent - Great
Early treat - Good
Late treat - poor
Long-haul possibly
Allowed for COVID-19In some placesin some places
Safe: # of doses
given in 50 years
> 3 billion> 3 billion
Able to deal with virus
that has mutated
Fight more than just COVID-19unsureProven 90+ health problems

Note: Ivermectin raises Vitamin D levels

Review of Early Treatments of COVID-19 (within a few days of symptoms)

Title change made Oct 2021 caused the visitor count to reset.
There have actually been 4857 visitors to this page since it was originally made

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday November 16, 2022 00:45:13 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 38)

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
16381 Early Treatment Oct 8, 2021.jpg admin 08 Oct, 2021 135.06 Kb 498
16216 Early Treat Sept 15.jpg admin 14 Sep, 2021 162.54 Kb 571